Sunday, November 15, 2009

Arashi no Shukudai-kun EP #11

Episode Guide Master Post

Guest: Watanabe Marina
Summary: Ogura-san asks Arashi about their Korean fans. Sho mentions how they study Japanese and make uchiwas with stuff like "Chiba-ken's important national treasure, Aiba" and "The best nipples, Nino."

Watanabe Marina's Homework: Investigate and submit rare teas that wouldn't normally catch your eye. Presenter: Nino

Watanabe-san was interested in Taiwan at one point and became interested in Chinese teas too. They get her to taste various teas, some of which she already knew about. The first one was rather expensive, so Aiba wanted to taste it too. He went over to where Ohno and Sho was, and Sho was yelling at him: "Don't come! Don't come, Aiba!" Ohno moves away and Aiba taps Nino to complain but Nino yells at him too: "Don't tap tap on me!" The second tea is called Oriental Beauty Tea. Aiba asks Ogura-san to give him some but Jun takes it first. The third tea is Tofu Residue Tea. The fourth tea is Watermelon Seeds Tea. It's recommended for people who have problems in the bathroom when combined with other components, since it controls the purification of ammonia. Aiba chimes in with his comment: "But you know there are people who do it at the same time, peeing and pooping." OH AIBA. NEVER CHANGE. The fifth tea is Insect Droppings Tea. Sho is horrified and says, "Ah, I drank so much."

Watanabe Marina, what did you do last night?

Image #1: Was being tormented by HoriKen's prank calls.
Image #2: Enjoyed the flavor of Thailand in her entry room.

Nino asks her, "What language do you speak in at home?" She laughs at this and jokingly answers back with, "Once in a while, Thai." People seem to tease her about being Thai for some reason. Ohno asks, "Eh, your husband is Japanese?" They ask her what she calls her husband. His first name is Jun so she just calls him "Jun-kun." They tried to get her to say it but Ohno says it instead, lol. She talks about how long she's been with her husband and why she loves him. She also talks about how he proposed to her and her mother-in-law joking around.

On-ice Silly Experiments (cont.): Sho & Aiba
Let's try to skate with various things! Which one will be the fastest?
- Banana skin skate shoes
- Soap bars skate shoes
- Abacus skate shoes

Can you cut foods with skate shoes?
- Chives
- Leek
- Burdock
- Daikon

Sho cheats and it's adorable, lol.

Will an optical illusion happen when a figure skater does a high-speed spin?
They attach a red piece of paper to the front of the figure skate and a white piece of paper on the back. So, will it become pink when she spins at high-speed?

Back to the show! Watanabe-san says that her husband hasn't been fickle. There are times that she doesn't know where he is. Ogura-san has a chart.

Ogura-san's Fickle Check:
If you have more than three of these, there might be fickleness.
- He leaves the room when his cell phone rings.
- He's often late coming home from meet ups.
- He averts his eyes during happy TV home dramas.
- He gets into the bath as soon as he gets home.
- His underwear has become flashy.

[Letters from Iwo Jima Promo]

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Arashi no Shukudai-kun EP #10

Guest: Sugita Kaoru
Summary: Ogura-san says that it must be great to be Arashi who always gets cheers. Sho asks Ogura-san how it was like when he was young. Ogura-san says that it was a lot of trouble because he would always get whistling and cheering. Aiba jokes, "Really? Did Ogura-san even have a time when he was young?" The guest seems to have gotten into some trouble before the broadcast for trespassing onto the set of a live broadcast program, The Wide, so they addressed that. Then they talk her working with the boys for 24 Hour TV where Jun cried. She says that her impression went down after her wedding and divorce while Jun's favorable impression went up because he cried.

Sugita Kaoru's Homework: Rejuvenate the skin! Investigate and submit perfect collagen recipes. Presenter: Aiba

Sho and Aiba got on location to find the collagen dishes along with three ladies. They all visit various restaurants and eat together. Aiba feeds one of the ladies, lol. Group date? There is a funny moment where Aiba applies the collagen sashimi to the lady's face.

Sugita Kaoru, what did you do last night? Image #1: Looking back at the past to write her autobiography, she became unpleasantly sad.

Image #2: Forcibly took a two shot and sold the picture to a weekly magazine.

Apparently, Sugita-san has a pretty bad image. When she was younger, they called her the "King of Love Hotelas." Ohno asks her if she likes them and she answers that there are fun and has various things. Ohno asks what kind of things and Ogu-police makes an appearance, lol. Ohno asks if there is one particular hotel that she liked and Nino jokes that Ohno is aiming to be the second generation hotel king. Ogura-san asks Sugita-san if she has anything to say about how to live or love life, to Arashi since they are young. She says that she likes disposition quizzes. The boys laugh and Jun says that's fine not to do. Sugita-san also says that she doesn't want Arashi to fall into the clutches of a bad woman.

[Sugita Kaoru Romance Instrution]
Nino asks if there is a fullproof way of catching someone after all. She answers:
1. Catch them with your eyes.
2. Aim for the weaknesses.
3. Aim for people that have let themselves be broken down.

Ogura-san asks which one of the members would fall for her first. She answers, "First, Ogura-san."
He asks her if she really likes castles. She goes on to talk about various castles.

Image #3: Became a co-signer.

She talks about her loan discrepency that took 7 -10 years to resolve.

Arash's Homework:
Experiment: Between running on ice with shoes and riding on ice with a bicycle, which is faster?
Sho and Aiba test it out. So, what was the result?!

Sugita-san reveals an unexpected side to herself. She has been involved in the Tuberculosis Prevention Society for a while.

Arashi no Shukudai-kun EP #9

Guest: Yasu Megumi
Summary: Sho starts off the show by asking Ogura-san about his hobby of photos and what he likes to take pictures of. Ogura-san answers with, "Nude girls, I guess." The boy's faces are so adorable, lol. Aiba follows up with, "Who's nudes are they?" and gets scolded. Sho asks if Ogura-san were to take photos of Arashi, would they be nude? Ogura-san replies that he is no interested in boys. Aiba proposes that Ogura-san should take their pass card photos. Ogura-san trumps the boys with his statement that he gets by with his face alone, lol.

Yasu Megumi's Homework: Investigate and submit different ways of eating nattou. Presenter: Aiba

When they reveal the nattou with sugar, Jun says that he used to do that but then he started worrying about diabetes. Yasu-san eats it and you can see Sho already on standby with his spoon, lmao. He asks if it's okay if he eats too and she said, "Is it okay if I have another bite?" Then she hands the bowl to Sho has the cutest happy face. He puts it in his mouth and pulls it out so it's all stringy and asks Ohno to hold the spoon.

After that, they move onto the not-so-popular nattou dishes. You can see Nino putting his forehead on Ohno's shoulder at one point. :)

Yasu Megumi, what did you did last night? Image #1: Got told she smelled like the Showa era by an elderly person.

Yasu-san is often told that she is old. She said that she has old male fans like Ogura-san. She basically calls Ogura-san an old man. They play "Sho Word" which is basically replying simultaneously with the word that comes to mind. The first topic is "one-shot gags" and Nino and Ogura-san said the same one, lol. Same generation? Next topic was "famous people. Speaking of Suzuki XX..." Ohno gets excited that he and Nino have the same answer, lol.

Image #2: Went home wearing her dramatic swimsuit.

She talks about her air-headed tendencies. Sho asks her if she had any hazy things when she was younger. She says that she would imagine a person's whole life. She tells the story of imagining Aikawa Sho-san and her doing things and when she really met him she almost said, "I was thinking about that time we went for curry," even though they never met before.

Arashi's Homework:
Experiement: Do you know of those interior decorating colliding balls? There are five steel balls in a row and when you crash the one on the end into the others, the one at the other end goes flying and returns. And they'll keep flying back and forth like that. That's the one. How many can you add on and still have it flying back and forth like that? Please, by all means, tell me what that limit is! Ohno handmade it up to a 100 balls.

Yasu-san reveals an unexpected side of her. She says that she specializes in tongue twisters. They get her to try some and well...

Arashi no Shukudai-kun EP #8

Guest: Muroi Shigeru
Summary: Sho asks Ogura-san what his plans for the New Year are and Ogura-san answers with, "Shall we go golfling somewhere? Somewhere warm." Sho asks if he means he wants to invite Arashi and Ohno chimes in with his opinion, lol. The guest is introduced and they talk about her cats.

Muroi Shigura's Homework: Investigate and submit secret underground spaces that you know of. Presenter: Ohno

Muroi-san is afraid of earthquakes so crisis management has caused her a lot of nervousness. Ohno presents various underground spaces that includes a temple, church, and shelter. Since the guest was promoting her drama, "14 Year Old Mom", the show's homework for the audience is: "I detest that kind of age 14." Sho asks Muroi-san how she was at 14. Then they showed a picture of Ogura-san when he was 14!

Image #1: Age 14, when you're growing too fast so your school uniform is perpetually too small.

The boys seem to be in agreement of this image, lol. Nino tells a story of how he was walking with his friends and sudden parts of him would start to hurt. Funny story. Nino asks, "What happens to women during their growth period?" Cue Aiba's question of: "They suddenly get huge?" This sets off Nino's curiousity so he wonders if women's breasts grow evenly. The boys just start asking questions and Sho finally gets tired and tells them to stop, lol. Of course...Aiba keeps asking.

Image #2: Having telephone consultations with "With All Your Effort TV" at age 14.

Image #3: Having a lover older than your mother at age 14.

Sho asks Muroi-san if she has dating someone with a large age difference and she says she has. She says that she goes to watch scary movies on dates. They also ask Ogura-san and he shares a story of how he was in the move theater and a guy grabbed his hand. Muroi-san is the type to attract perverts. So, she tells a story of how she was on the train and a salary man asked her for a tissue and was rustling his newspaper very fast and grabbed her hand, but she slipped away. She tells another story of being at the bank and a guy had a box with something flesh-colored.

Arashi's Homework:
Experiment: Which is the liquid that easily permeates paper the fastest?

There is a video message from the couple who stars in the drama with her, Shida Mirai and Miura Haruma. They talk about their first impressions of her. Miura-san talks about how Muroi-san actually slapped him and his nose hurt. Miura-san leaves to go film and Shida-san sends Muroi-san a message.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Arashi no Shukudai-kun EP #7

Guest: Matsui Kazuyo
Summary: They start with talking about Ogura-san being 59 years old. Aiba wants to switch the topic to what Ogura-san said in his interview with an-an magazine. Ogura-san complains that they only asked about how it like to work with Arashi and how Arashi was, lol. Ogura-san talks about getting a letter from the guest asking him to watch her husband's drama.

Matsui Kazuyo's Homework: Submit information on high grade vegetables that are good for the body. Presenter: Nino, with help from Farmer Ohno.

Matsui-san states that people who grow vegetables safely and without concern have good faces. This becomes a running joke for the rest of the show. This lady is on point with her stuff, lol. She knows almost everything that Nino presents. There is a really cute moment where Aiba asks, "How is it different?" referring to the cabbages and Nino misheard him and answered, "It's a difference of five, ne~" The boys taste the difference between the cabbages. Jun has such a cute reaction for everything he ate. Nino is introducing the persimmons and the camera cuts to Aiba who already has a piece in his mouth, lmao. Ohno goes to get a piece and gets smacked by Nino since he's suppose to be selling it. CHEAP. Super cute.

Matsui Kazuyo Image #1: Husband, Funakoshi Eiichirou, is 30 minutes late coming home and she puts out a search request.

Aiba proposes the question, "Do you get in the bath together?" She talks about her husband and her sitting the tub together. She talks about how the they met, and Nino makes a joke that she found a good vegetable, lol. The story about the last name and their first meeting is very interesting.

Matsui Kazuyo Image #2: When cleaning in front of the entranceway, by the time she realized it, she had cleaned the whole neighborhood.

She likes to clean. She takes care of everything and gives her husband an allowance.

Arashi's Homework:
Experiment: Between Silky Tofu and Cotton Tofu, which is stronger?

The guest is asked to reveal an unexpected side of her. She answers with, "I'm perfectly comfortable with going into the men's bathroom." Also, "I often hitchhike."

Arashi no Shukudai-kun EP #6

Guest: Suzuki Sarina
Summary: Arashi's 8th year. In the beginning, they mention it and asks Ogura-san how many years it's been for him. She worked with Jun and says that he was cheeky. Suzuki Sarina, what did you do last night? Image #1: Eating with friends in front of a convenience store. Image #2: Got into a fight with some kids after they called her an idiot. To prove that she is not an idiot, she shows off her special skill, which is English. They have her read the titles from the newspaper. Will her "stupid" image fly away?! She does a self introduction in English. Image #3: Gets violently drunk with Mitsuura after being dumped by her boyfriend. Jun reveals a story of when Sarina and Mitsuura called him up while in a gloomy mood and Jun hung up, lol. She talks about her type of guy. Image #4: Went to a meeting (yankee). She talks about how she's good at arm wrestling. She is confident that she can beat the weakest member of Arashi in arm wrestling. So, who does she play against? "I'm not weak. My muscles will tear if we try." READY GO! Suzuki-san also reveals that she has a really good memory. Nino says that he also has a good memory. She memorized the logos of named companies so they test her.

Arashi's Homework:
Field Glasses Experiment: If the kicker and goal keeper wore these glasses in a penalty kick, which one would have the advantage? Sho is the goal keeper.

Suzuki-san's Homework for the Audience:
Please investigate and submit a massage implement that makes you feel really good that you can use at home! Presenter: Jun